In the big puzzle of workplace change, the learning factor is a varied piece of the human element.

What is the Learning Factor?
The learning factor is the part of a situation that snaps into focus when you put on educator glasses. And it’s a missing element in most plans for workplace change.
Many plans for improvement at work fail because no one is paying attention to learning.
In the big puzzle of workplace change, the learning factor is a varied piece of the human element. The how, what and why of learning. People learn all the time. Sometimes they learn what their managers are trying to convey, or the answers to their own questions, and sometimes they learn to keep their head low, or to wait and see.
You might have a vision of the future. You might even know what has to happen, when, why and even how. But how will everyone learn these new ideas, new processes and technologies? How will the teams learn to work together? And how will you handle things as they ride the learning curve? Bringing learning factors into focus helps with all these concerns, and more.

Put on your educator glasses.
Now Learning
Some of Tracy Defoe’s recent learning situations…
Coaching scientific thinking, and being there while people strive together to achieve results they didn’t think were possible, that gets me up in the morning excited for a new day with the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata.
There are no substitutes for the basics – trust, collaboration and communication.
Embedding anything in a work culture takes time and tests relationships.
Clear Design and Plain Language, every organization seems to need to build capacity in inclusive communication.
Being a coach, and helping to build the kata practitioners community is a passion! Check out Kata School Cascadia and our Kata Geek page for more.
Kaizen Club… can a few dozen production workers learn lean manufacturing together, out of interest? And can they make a difference at work? Looks like they did for 13 years, every other Wednesday until March 2020.
Contact us
We want to make you smarter about learning, especially about coaching and deliberate practice of proven routines.
Why ask for our help? Every organization has learning puzzles. We have a big tool box and lots of experience to help you understand and address learning at work. We can help you make learning faster, easier, and most important, sticky.