
About admin

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So far admin has created 3 blog entries.

Learning Together The Kata Practitioner Way


Learning Together The Kata Practitioner Way How much can you learn from other people’s experiences? Do you have to try and fail and experiment and reflect on your own? The Kata Practitioner Day (KPD), held at Asco Aerospace in the Vancouver area September 22 2016, raised these questions, and others. A Kata Practitioner

Learning Together The Kata Practitioner Way2024-09-21T22:34:00+00:00

Ever Kata in Secret?


Ever Kata in secret? If you practice the Improvement Kata or the Coaching Kata in secret – or you did so in the past – we are interested to hear your story. Why? We are learning about the obstacles learners and coaches face. Where there is secret improvement, there are obstacles! You can

Ever Kata in Secret?2024-09-21T22:34:17+00:00

Become a better coach, teacher or facilitator


Become a better coach, teacher or facilitator “Sometimes you push and sometimes you pull, and sometimes you get out of the way.” Tracy Defoe on the secret to inviting learning and participation at work. Do you want to be a better coach or facilitator? Are you a team lead or manager who is

Become a better coach, teacher or facilitator2024-09-21T22:34:39+00:00
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