In the big puzzle of workplace change, the learning factor is a varied piece of the human element.

The Learning Factor Services
Creative, collaborative consulting in workplace learning
We are developing new workshops all the time –— ask us. Some of our most popular:
- Lean 101 –— the concepts of Continuous Improvement including Toyota Kata
A Canadian Classic used far and wide, adapted from one day to five
90-minute remote sessions. - Introduction to the Improvement Kata – remote delivery
- Kata-infused Kaizen —Jump start your kata practice with kaizen and learn the Improvement Kata at the same time.
- Building Participation in Lean Teams
This TeamTIme™ facilitator’s workshop teaches 36 facilitation techniques to build participation in teams learning to make improvements together. - Clear Language and Design for Ease of Reading
Do busy people understand what you write at a glance? Do people who are not fluent readers get your message? Are you relying on free templates? Learn the basics of reading and make better written communication choices.
Your learning organization
Are you on the road to being a learning organization? Put a workplace learning expert on the job supporting your team. Needs Assessment? People development? Facilitating learning? Custom training, just in time.
Need to go remote?
Distance learning and facilitation are special skills. Adapt your meeting practices or your training programs for remote delivery? Yes, we can.
Fix our training!
Sometimes a little expertise in training design can prevent wasted efforts or training that is, if not boring, less than engaging. TLFI’s ‘fix our training’ service can bring the best practices in adult education to your training room. Delivery? We do that, too. And even better, we’ll help you learn to deliver yourself.
Coaching to support learning and teaching scientific thinking: develop learning skills to achieve tough goals with kata patterns.Tracy is a humble lean practitioner and an enthusiastic teacher and leader of learning how to apply scientific thinking to all kinds of puzzles and challenges. She practices and teaches the Improvement Kata and the Coaching Kata remotely and in person.
Feedback on the learning Factor services.
“Tracy Defoe makes learning enjoyable and provides it in a very practical way. Her results are seen immediately – watching her facilitate and getting immediate results is like watching the rubber meeting the road.”
“If you want to see your staff develop a sound understanding of ‘Learn” and at the same time improve their essential skills, I highly recommend you get to know Tracy Defoe. Her deep understanding of how people learn in the work place produces immediate and lasting results.”
Contact us
We want to make you smarter about learning, especially about coaching and deliberate practice of proven routines.
Why ask for our help? Every organization has learning puzzles. We have a big tool box and lots of experience to help you understand and address learning at work. We can help you make learning faster, easier, and most important, sticky.